this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed
there’s something toxic about something false being passed off as true
ezekiel’s cherubim and wheels, the monsters and brutal turning circles of life we all deal with, the eyes of the absolute everywhere
i really like
this scene from the
2020 emma, a sense of a woman going from the support of one man to another comes across quite clearly
with mansfield park, jane said good bye to reality and sensibly just wrote nice ending fantasies after that, more commercial surely and more pallative for herself
so much of her life is rewritten more happily in these books
more driver
almost the worst trap of "zen" is the flagrant dishonesty in claiming its not a religion and doesn’t have beliefs
one of the core beliefs is in the historical existance of a real person called "shakyamui buddha" which is a toxic lie, no such person ever existed
once you scratch the surface, there's a heap of other beliefs, for instance the soto belief in zazen as some final state of being and eihei dogen's role as a an uncriticisable "prophet"
any ceremonies, statuary etc also are implicit beliefs in the efficacy of the same
all clouds of bullshit hovering over "nothing", mentally ill and diseased, the putrid miasma drifting through the lives of those involved, the last people you would take the word of as i learnt to my detriment
you can fight religion till the cows come home
it still wins
many against one
i have never liked buddhism, to me it has always been total rubbish and upon investigation owes a huge amount to to the greek philosophy that came with alexander the great in his conquests and "shakyamuni" is not an historical character but part of the usual religious soap opera fiction, in this case, even the appellation "shakyamuni" is lifted from one of the persian kings
it disturbs me that these people venerate complete bullshit and lies as though the farce means something
, never bothering to do any real research or investigation and as a consequence are stuck out in some far away "disneyland" of inane absurdity
what are they doing?, its just mentally ill
you can’t change people, life is this pattern of continual regression and repairing the consequences only to regress again
isn’t all religion false advertising and actually "lying" ?
you can’t change the world, i just take what is useful as do most people, problems occur on agreement of what is regarded as "useful"
SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is detectable for up to
three hours in aerosols, up to four hours on copper, up to
24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel
the virus can’t go through skin, but can the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose
just ramp up the virulence and its the next gen bioweapon
“ a hierarchical bayesian model, called
latent process decomposition , is introduced in which each sample in the dataset is represented as a combinatorial mixture over a finite set of latent processes, which are expected to correspond to biological processes
parameters in the model are estimated using efficient variational methods ”
prostate cancer is a good example of a complex conjunction of latent combinatorial processes
"karma" and "rebirth" can mean a lot of things, but i can’t see any validity to a literal interpretation of these concepts, they are entirely inconsistent with anything except an imaginary world view
i don’t think they are accepted in "western buddhism" anyway, though they may be "de rigueur" in asian and tibetan
is what we see
all there is ?
no its not
such a simple thought
yet so far reaching
i think poetry is a form of computation
not numeric but verbal
the splicing of sums
what is narcissism ?
am i narcissistic ?
are you narcissistic ?
what is narcissism ?
tchaikovsky’s "hymn of the cherubim"
sung by the ussr ministry of culture chamber choir
have infectivity, will travel
virulence may vary
if you have people around, nothing makes any sense at all
if you have people around, nothing makes sense at all
if you have people around
nothing makes sense
at all
if you have people around
nothing makes sense
when you look at the chan/zen records like say the
BCR or mumonkan, they do place a strong emphasis on "the enlightened man" being "
Unmoved" in distress, what that tells me is there’s a large element of crap in those stories, however this notion of some "practice" or "attainment" or whatever leaving one "unmoved" by the vagaries of the world is a more fundamental problem of "effability" vs "ineffability", interestingly islam unsuccessfully attempts to address this by using a prophet rather than the "son of god"
"practice" is a distinct play for "effability" and i’m not surprised (ed. brad warner) you show yourself sensitive to the issue, because
, by promoting "practice" you do ask in terms of what and what for, if some say it makes one more stoic, you, on the other hand are trying to nudge it back into "ineffability" by saying "not so" and actually the paradigm also plays out in terms of guided meditation versus an "instructionless" shikantaza
because soto treats dogen as essentially a "prophet" they don’t accomodate his changing viewpoint throughout his life (how can a prophet change his viewpoint ?) and i feel that while dogen in his earlier years definitely weighs in on the side of effable, in his later years he took the more sensible approach of avoiding the question entirely
what can i say brad, you have a good feel for the rough patches in your buddhist zen beliefs, but don’t seem to take an investigation any further
when there is a contradiction in the base, you are going to spend your entire life fighting a losing battle
you just have to look at the hundreds of thousands of christian, islamic, judaic and buddhist books to know what "losing is", all, with the exception of ten or twenty, being a complete waste of time and are more akin to luis borge’s "the library of babel" than anything else (a good read btw)
an man on the r|optometery
message board was accused of "ableism" for being concerned about the possibility of passing a girlfriends extreme myopia
(- 18D) and the other degenerative effects in the eye from that onto their childen
it is quite a reasonable concern given that his sister was a minus
8D, however recent research has shown a lack of violet light in childhood leads to underexpression of a gene that supresses elongation of the axial length of the eye
genetic conditions can sometimes be easiest discerned in a grandparent, but of course you can get mutations in the grandchild and her parents, siblings of course are huge indicators, but it may be that the condition is not genetic
he has a rational concern and its the sort of calculation women certainly make
there is a difference between thoughtless discrimination and rational concerns, the accuser was misusing a valid social construct for her own emotional needs
i do think in general much more thought needs to be given to the likely quality of life a child might have before conception, one certainly sees some bizarre cases of parents failing to abort
there’s something
in this landscape , exactly what i don’t know
a couple of vincent van gogh quotes found by jason
one may have a blazing hearth in one’s soul and yet
no-one ever came to sit by it.
passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way
i experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. i am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream.
(explaining a fugue state)
“ what does your wife say ? ”
i don’t have one
one doesn’t have me
so many people
wanting to entangle me in their lives
i try to keep out
if you are talked out or have nothing of import to say
then step back
and observe
my immune promoting supplements are taurine, topical
40% hydrogen peroxide, germanium,
B12, vitamin A and copper sebacate
at its core a slick group connived fraud with auction houses and galleries as the institutional players
you just have to step back and look,
90% of this modern and even not so modern art is not worth a cent, an inflatable balloon fuelled by easy money, drugs, the stupid rich and cunning poor and not so poor because of their cunning
art suits you i think because you weren’t exposed to english as a baby
you will always have shortfalls in english expression
jason later wrote a poem about it
as a baby i was spoken to in portuguese
later forced to speak english
mastering neither
lost somewhere
like a mute
i speak in other ways
it always pays to reread what one writes to fulfil an editing function
“ an idea is a point of departure and no more. as soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought ”
a pablo picasso
quote and its what i notice about great painters like van gogh and monet, they know how to express themselves at a very high level which is more than i can say for these modern slick con artists like damien hirst and jeff koons and their rubbish that the media just lap up, insincerity in every word
napoleon is a surprising purveryor of very good quotes
i notice in writing you need to draw from a lot of sources so i read quite a bit
its no good going "soto" style — just you alone with the universe, that way things take a thousand years to figure out and we don’t live that long
also to be a successful artist, you have to be able to spin the bullshit or at least argue cogently and that takes a lot of background knowledge and dealing with people and all their crazy sophistical tricks
sugar shortens your life by disrupting
the purine pathway thereby causing the accumulation of uric acid
why children are much less affected by the coronvirus is they have less of the
ACE2 receptor (that the
2019 coronavirus
binds to ) in their lungs
i don’t know why creationsts skip viruses being made by god, but they do
he’ll have to up the virulence on this one, not a real plague by any means
louis rossmann cycles around
an empty times square late at night
to write about
emotional turmoil
or relationship
the food of popular lyrics
i can’t
, i don’t know why
to be in "samadhi" or "bliss"
the mis-understanding
so far out
its hard to fathom
the first rule of sophism
don’t ask
if your best interests
are served
by deception
using words in a new way
to uncover
unseen before
you can tell the real poets
they successfully pinch your "stuff"
not many of those
irina bogdanovich is a hell of a
contralto , there’s a whole world of great eastern european performers we are not really familiar with
patricia janečková
when the muse strikes it strikes
i had a long day in town yesterday and so went to bed early and woke several times in the night, but in one of those times poems or homilies keep coming and i jumped out of bed to write them down
28 over an hour or so, jumping out of bed each time
34 in total including those written in town
a race against time
time wins
you can’t beat it
you go outside
what is god ?
a word made meaningless
by the ignorant masses
beliefs and opinions
untempered by observation
humans live and die
believing anything
i used to think all censorship was bad, especially as i was usually on the wrong end of it, but later setting up my own reddit board, i was obliged to ban actually most people posting (the mongol hordes coming across from r|zen) because their agenda was that of schizophrenics, only concerned with entrenching their own ideas and absolutely closed to taking seriously any other viewpoints, in other words they ruin the board with their aggression and stupidity
so my view now is that censorship is necessary, but its skill that needs to be developed, when done well its not really censorship, but simply keeping a message board low maintenance for the owner and productive for genuine readers
being so concerned about censorship, i have observed over many years now your (ed. brad warner) very hands off approach
, (lol, i have just remembered the hardcore zen blog message board days, a real "wild west" is there ever was one) and wondered about it, ideally you would have skilled moderators "pruning" the message board, but the level of skill required is so high and rare that the appointment of moderators just leads to them creating a message board that reflects favourably their own ideas, so i don’t know what you do, you would think a supposed "serious student" of zen would be able to "skill up" but they never seem to which is just part of my general conclusion of the reality of zen which is that its just a bunch of bullshitting pretenders never prepared to put any real work in
so in terms of your vlog, zen is an illusion, it certainly can’t be taught and as we live there are always mountains of rubbish to trawl through to find the requisite diamonds, but nobody sane does it, its all the wrong reward/work ratio, you have to be sane within the insanity, can you even convey what the diamond looks like and why reality spins around its depth of sparkle, i don’t think so, needs to be discovered
i think my conclusion about censorship is you have to do it yourself, once you appoint moderators you in effect get a communal ownership reflecting communal interests and the real zen is solipsistic, not communal, so you have the censorship side of things right, it just reflects your style and situation, commercial realities impose limitations
the net, if you choose to use it that way is quite good for building social expression and analytic skills, even chronic narcissists can benefit
when you see people being defensive
, you have to ask yourself
, what are they being defensive about as their real motivation is usually disguised
belief systems are adopted as a substitute for real thought and sooner or later it catches up with them
the intensity of sophistical endeavor in today’s society is just amazing
the young seem weaned on it
why such an intensity of sophistic focus on what can only be peripheral to you ?
i’m sorta interested
how you can be so concealing
and narcissistic
and put such an intensity of attention
into sophism
that is against
your interest
and benefit
doesn’t the degree
of ratbaginess
you ?
emily dickinson
barely wrote enough
to be a poet
far from being a recluse
her life
quite busy
not sleeping for a while
then sleeping
the brain
the attraction of greta thunberg
is her
philosphical take on things
she’s a clunky autistic
but all the same
a thinker
she got lucky with that sailing trip
it will never leave her
the real difference
amateur and professional
is not social categories
but doing enough work
to create a statistical spread
of quality
when you are wounded
best lie low
the scavengers
what has zen taught you ?
to be concealing
and fake everything
these people treat the celibacy
of the old masters
as an irrelevant triviality
while they fuck their way
to oblivion
the creeps
creeping around the web
because in real life
no-one will go near
their trail of slime
the half dishonest
are worse than
the fully dishonest
more completely
U.S. english education
talentless prima donnas
keep away
there's nothing worse
than dealing
with a mental breakdown
after they
become wreckage
huntington’s disease
has its shadow lands
the muted blast
for those
what the net has done
is bring the artistically talented
in much closer contact
the people on these
"special interest"
message boards
their fawning replies
when agreed with
extreme aggression
when contradicted
they are
if i tell you
to go away
i don’t mean
come here
"go away"
the doormat rebels
so many concealing frauds
on the net
expecting me to run after them
mummy’s boys and girls
indignant when i tell
entitled arseholes
don’t get
they are not
but won’t change
they love themselves
an arts education
con - ceit
an arts education
self - deceit
today’s generations
brains of vapour
so abrasive
when contradicted
even your reply
has an outstanding level of deceit
its narcissistic
and concealing
we all have our griefs
its not a road we can share
the loss is our own
and doesn't
a nation of druggies
brain damage
so many people
with no interest
in anything
their own stupidity
the religious
no interest
in anything
the world seems unreal to me
can i help it ?
the world seems unreal to me
some days
things feel edgey
everything not right
but that’s not how it turns out
quite a bit right in fact
the unstable world
a shell
spinning on the sand
turned by the waves
i was in the woolworths car park
out of nowhere
a young canadian man comes up to me
asking if i know where he can buy some weed
i tell him
you canadians are always on drugs
he didn’t like that but wasn’t fazed
they never are
my mother was right
the clothes i wear make me look like a drug dealer
a mirror world
i was expecting inversion
or some difference at least
but no
its exactly the same
ed. i was waiting at the hairdressers and i noticed four large mirrors in front of the chairs reflecting the trees and outside through the windows behind me and thought, that’s a mirror world and its just the same
as you get older you notice how hard it is to argue with people in their prime
right or wrong, they will outlive you for a start
, brad is
demonstrating zazen
my comment
you’re a bit slouched to the right and i think slow kinhin is a good idea to demonstrate in the context of zazen as well as people might get the idea that you can sit for unbroken long periods when the reality is its not "safe"
also not everyone likes being so close to a wall visually
that bell bowl tone is not great, you can have a big fund raising to replace it and sasaki style, skim it off to fund the "geisha", sex and money he was the most genuine and only honest "zen master"
i notice in the other comments, its still all "an observer sport", nobody actually does it, that’s actually a bit weird, something the net has done, made zazen an observer sport, prior to the net the only context you were likely to observe zazen would also mean you are doing it
"brad has been sitting for ten minutes and is definitely entering "samadhi", but no, is that right eye tiwtching — mara at work here, we’ll just have to hold "our breath" (little self depreciating laugh)
, yes the eyelid has stopped moving, samadhi it is, no, the back is too bent, the excitement is building, but there’s plenty "of track " left, we’re on the edge of our seats here, samadhi or not ?"
what’s interesting about modern physics is a road of comprehensive understanding recedes as fast as it approaches
japan seems to specialise in weird corners of the entertainment universe, a hypnotic work by eitetsu hayashi titled
fertility of the sea on taiko drums
why is an intelligent account of actually getting the coronavirus so rare ?
a billion words and
this account by dr clare geradao of her infective course is the only one that makes sense i have seen
ah, she was quoted directly and at length, the stupid journalist has messed the rest up with the usual misinformed blather
definitely not fun, i wouldn’t have taken the paracetamol though, it disrupts the bodies natural immune response
jason writes
waking up this morning i have a couple of ideas to make into art
i think they’re not that good and don’t write them down
well now i’ve remembered that a couple of of "not good" ideas are better than nothing
what i do for "meditation" is go and sit out on the woodpile for say an hour or longer usually post midnight, there’s just the night sky, often a bit of moon, no sound of traffic, only the frogs, crickets, a dog barking in the distance
, owls, whatever,
i’m not conscious of "meditating", i move occasionally
, i’m not really doing anything except hanging out there, not bothering with the world too much
i quite like doing it, its not painful or joint damaging, i don’t do it because "i have to" but i want to
you do a lot of this and it takes a lot and something slowly happens
you have to do a lot of this, just doing short amounts doesn’t work which is why the old masters were celibate
it just doesn’t translate to the bullshit married with kids business and all the pretence of sanctity and the zombies mumbling clichés to each other
i think zazen did open me up to this because i wasn’t used to the degree of self observation you get with zazen, but within a couple of years you should move beyond it
what i notice with "net zen" is i almost see
no-one who has actually done any real self observation, they are all busy engaged defending their self esteem or ideas or wrong minded experience
pathetic pretenders, disgusting people with no self understanding at all, utterly unable to answer even one point in my posts
how about "the coronavirus visualisation"
just imagine your lungs filling up with who knows what
you are having trouble breathing
you are going to die
you notice that you are not dying
you notice that you don’t have the coronavirus
there you are, cured of having something you never had
that’s zen
when the trust goes, the relationship goes
what men are for from the female perspective is to be manipulated by them
caution : integrity may vary
what men are for from the female perspective is to be manipulated by them
you’re a fool to ever trust anybody fully
even mothers turn on children
you’re a fool to ever trust anybody fully
higher-order aberrations and
irregular astigmatism are why i’d never get lasik or any corneal refractive surgery done
the eye is a pressurized balloon, you can’t expect too much stability from it
“ yet tens of millions have had corneal refractive surgery, and have not experienced any destabilization with negative effects even 20-30 years after their treatment ”
my comment
that’s not correct, relatively stable within five to eight years i’d say, but not after that, and actually some people have trouble from the start
i don’t feel the industry is being honest about potential long term problems and also cataract surgery being promoted for "glasslessness" and not the replacement of opaque lenses also fits into the category of "iatrogenic"
interestingly the original model for the cornea goes back to wolfgang goethe, that true polymath who came up with the idea that inflatable domes naturally separated into meridians, its mind boggling if you think about it and when you understand its implication you would be naturally cautious about any refractive corneal surgery
the other side is it can give real medical benefit where there’s severe vision problems, that is the risk is balanced by substantial reward, same with lens replacement for high grade cataracts
my feeling is that refractive eye surgery and lens replacement are straying too far into the "cosmetic" area where medical risk is not balanced by benefit
from a personal point of view of one who has held back, its all to my benefit as the income from this "overuse" is driving the rapid development of the maths, equipment and procedures, the safety and effectiveness of the industry operations are steadily improving, and long may it do so
the unsung benefit of glasses is they don't interfere biologically with the eye, even contacts have their problems
if you ask what is infinity, what is
uncomputability etc.
, the whole thing is unending, you are stuck in recursive "voynich"
this is where einstein stood out, he managed to work a way out of the recursive properties of light
theories are a "meta" on actuality, that distance will always lead to imperfections in the meta
its just as well metas contain intrinsic errors, otherwise there would be no existance
when you get more familiar and experienced with something, the notion of favourites falls away, everything has something to offer in terms of strengths and weaknesses, even the very bad
“ maybe no one reads the tsurezuregusa here (ed. brad’s vlog) as who is interested in idle ramblings or zuihitsu literature ? ”
you’ve never read it have you nor are familiar with the fact its one of the most famous books of world literature
there’s no kudos in being dumb and ignorant except amongst zennists is there ?
dogen, ryokan, hakuin, three very literary and artistic people, yet the stinking mobs in their blinkers think there is nothing outside their own ignorance
the usa made no attempt to indoctrinate japan after
WW2 in the way they did to germany and courted one of its biggest
war criminals (the emperor was another) to meet its own political ends of gaining the countries support in the cold war
it explains a lot about how japan is today and yukio mishima was not entirely a crazy anomaly, though dated
unbelievable, rommel wasn't such a great general, what he had was the advantage of detailed tactical information on what the british were doing because the italians and germans could read the code transmissions by the
US military attaché
bonner fellers
what i look for in art is depth, complexity and aesthetic
that’s the trouble with modern art, its shallow, simple and has no aesthetic
the japanese are very
eclectic in what they absorb from other cultures, the original borg
a poem by courtney peppernell
the stars have died
and left their light to you
remember this when
you feel weak, worthless and blue
my reply
in you starlight lives on
all you have to do
see it
françoise gilot on using
metaphor in painting
the days evaporate
friday brings the weekend
saturday and sunday evaporate
bringing monday
“ i need insane poetry
i am working on the next part of my dungeon and dragons campaign. one of the side missions has the players discover a book of madness. if you read it, or listen to someone read it, it sounds like the greatest poetry ever written ! it is actually just the insane ramblings of a mad man. over time, it will drive others to madness as well
i would like some odd/insane/nonsensical poems that i can read at the session ”
i’m a madman
discovered in that madhouse
D&D campaign
when it ends
the madhouse abates
except for
weaving my woof
your dreams
an odd thing is neither of the children of pablo picasso and franciose gilot (also an exceptional painter) had any interest or real ability in painting at all
it seems everything is constant warfare
don’t you get tired of it ?
i do
sometimes i just drive like a train in the wrong direction
i can’t help myself
this is what we all come from
, an unwinding and recombination of
the body speaks like a person
do this
don’t do this
ignore at your peril
the body speaks like a person
don’t do this
do this
ignore at your peril
nature speaks like a person
do this
don’t do this
ignore at your peril
nature speaks like a person
don’t do this
do this
ignore at your peril
to say life has a point or is pointless
same mistake
to say a life has a point or is pointless
sometimes a poem is like following a fractal through
a sequence of coherence
a mill of randomness
the religious add up their sums
and get an answer
ignoring that there is
no answer in their lives
that the endless arrives nowhere
a bit of a riff on the notion of "balance"
, that much touted panacea of modern life
"the good die young" what "balance" is there in that ? don’t look for it and it won’t bother you
wonderful materially successful people and poor arseholes and vice versa, its all there and
no-one has any influence on it
"lady justice" wants carefully looking at and the scene in the ancient egyptian book of the dead in which a deceased person’s heart
is weighed against the feather of truth is about all that can be said
you can and can’t extricate intelligence from experience
people’s intelligence varies because their experience varies
it folds into different types
you can’t extricate intelligence from expereince
people’s intelligence varies because their experience varies
it folds into different types
jason supplied the first two lines, i finished it
ultra sane
comically insane
the world a fake
a real
a laugh
a cry
a mess
let the earth
the sky
from the
court record of july the 29th, 2019
“ the plaintiff's memorandum demands millions in settlement, while the defendants have said they will pay nothing, demanding in fact to be paid quite a large sum by the plaintiff. additionally, one of the memoranda begins with an expression of difficulty in "finding the appropriate tone for the settlement letter" because it supposedly is "so disingenuous and contradicted by the evidence"
of course, the lawyers for each side can assert these polar positions if they choose. and perhaps the expressions of annoyance may be merited in the appropriate case. they often are. but when we examine the polar positions of the parties, it does not seem that at this point in time a settlement conference is likely to have any chance of success ”
bitching , but i think the root cause is she has lost the "prodigy status" and its just bad or mediocre art like anything else of that nature and the money dried up leaving a lot of resentment with the business partners
you’ll never get a cent back, the whole matter is too ambiguous to get a favourable resolution in court and even the judge is saying its a waste of time, and that's not just reading between the lines, he as good as says that
how many proverbs are there to the effect the righteous do not prevail ?
well, that’s what they mean, the righteous do not prevail, when the money dries up, so do the agreements
genius requires a lot of traversing through the wastelands of schizophrenia, better done as an observer than a participant
what we call language is just a particularization of a genetic cognitive construct
no one language has any particular supremacy over another, they are just various verbal embodiments
if they know the grammar
by eight months , then its already there in the brain, there’s no way a very plastic learning process could give that sort of language sophistication so quickly
mexico is a
scary place , there’s no law and order
just shows what happens if gangs run things, the "cartel" is just another "gang"
brad warner is really depressed
my reply
lol, i was able to visualise you giving a vlog looking miserable from having the actual virus and saying how it wasn’t so bad, but was really quite bad but were able to survive this because of the practice
happy corona virus !
you are actually really depressed, i don’t know that’s its a good idea to vlog when you are that depressed from the public image point of view, a bit real for all the fakes reading here for their entertainment and "fluffy pillow" comfort
exercise is the best
anti-depressant and sitting down for too long is a depressant, i actually wouldn’t sit zazen while you are like this, but do, say a walking meditation or just "move"
ed. i didn’t post this but i think brad is suffering to some degree from the neural imprint of huntington’s, the rigidity and non adaptability
exercise is the best
anti-depressant and sitting down for too long is a depressant
a literary farce
the real
results vary
to humour
to the asinine
how can people spend their lives
on this rubbish ?
gluing scraps of paper together to make meaningless ?
“ it can take a year to go through one sheet of paper ”
che guevara was a scion of the middle class, how he ended up a feared guerilla is beyond me, except he moved well outside his sphere of competence with the
inevitable end
to be a successful or competent artist or writer you have to produce enough work to get the "statistical effect" to come into play
the problem is one can never tell what work one does will really take with others because in terms of one’s own perspective, they are all sort of the same
but if you produce a lot of work, a few will really take and you can’t tell ahead what they will be
there’s a lot of areas of life this holds for as a general principle, even the raising of children and why one should be so careful not to favour one over another
apparently ramana maharshi is
"re-interpreted" by his "disciples" rather than translated and i think dogen is substantially
re-interpreted too and japanese "zen" itself is to a degree
"re-interpreted" according to western philosophical ideas as a result of its "reforming" in the meiji era
its an outstanding example of the narrow minded stupidity of soto that
no-one reads the tsurezuregusa, almost contemporary to dogen and written by a buddhist monk in kyoto, you get a feel for how strange and different the culture was
i think the trouble with soto is they never grow out of meditation, its useful to a certain point, but beyond that is the road to crazy and boy, real life observation says that happens in spades
its hard to find a more hackneyed and overworked cliché than the "i don’t know" on the spiritual circuit
in fact what seems to define the "spiritual circuit" is stupidity, pomposity and institutionalised plagiarism
because of the induced brain damage,
MMA is a form of true
gladitorial combat , a partial killing of the person
very different
we are constantly exposed to clouds of infectious aerosols, in fact doctors waiting rooms are particularly bad
a different context for the coronavirus
the civil war in taiz, in yemen’s
children need
violet light exposure to stop becoming short sighted
that coupled with circadian rhythm synchronisation makes "blue blocking" a more complex issue than appears
you know its a good play when you can’t bear to see the end, it is
so traumatic
lasik as i understand it is not permanent, like you are doing well if it lasts eight years and i think it increases the "fragility" of the eye
you can be miscast in terms of the novel, but its not miscast in terms
of the film which is its own story
i think what everyone misses about jane austen’s stories, are the extent to which they are drawn from her life and the people in them are relatives and people she knew
she was also a socially constructed celibate, that’s where the intensity comes from
uv protection from optical media is beneficial, the problem is when the cutoff moves too far into the circadian rhythm signalling blue or actually even
into the violet
existance is no mystery
there is something else
a mystery
a quiet evening
past midnight
two cats
going berserk
climbing a tree
we are all on the tip of an improbability
so extreme
it undermines our existance
everybody so full of themsleves
despite the disasters
how many full moons have i seen ?
how many more will i see ?
tonight i wondered
people differ in their views of nursing homes, probably age and need reduces one’s skepticism
“ our
results suggest a noninvasive training strategy for adult human amblyopia based on an
inverse‐occlusion procedure combined with physical exercise ”
here’s another one
, dichoptic movie viewing
just in the last couple of years, there are several new strategies for amblyopia, the general thrust appears to be the emphasis on cortical plasticity
“ it is now well established that amblyopia is associated with cortical dysfunction at monocular and binocular sites ed. in the brain ”
the art world
is all fraud , i bet no money changed hands, its a
"jack-up" for publicity
everybody will be in on it, the supposed buyer, the gallery, the artist, the article writer
if you are over
74 and male, have coronary or lung problems, or smoke you have a statisically hugely greater chance of dying from the coronavirus
its just nature’s way of clearing out the "rest homes"
adolf hitler
rocking at the
1936 olympics
that was before he got
into drugs , more like an "autistic rock"
pervertin wasn’t developed until a year after the
1936 olympics
bill gates rocks too
ed. this seems to have been misunderstood, the point being that hitler and bill weren’t on meth but do an autistic behavior, something on occasion i have noticed myself doing
i am so critical of other people
eating the lotus , but i am, myself a great lotus eater
its taken a long time for me to get a bead on brad warner, but i think he suffers an intellectual downsizing from his very poor vegetarian diet
that is, poor, even in terms of vegetarian restrictions
zen, is of course for the intellectually "downsized"
rowan farrow is almost certainly woody allen’s son, look at the ears and nose and actually, ability
its an interesting
fratricidal mess
you can tell a golum
he’s a golum
he’s not going to stop being a golum
indeed he thinks it admirable
jason’s latest
drawing is in the right direction, denser and more complex images
an artwork has to be constructed to the artist’s meaning, yet able to convey it to "outsiders"
the point of a poem
is not to resolve
into "meaning"
the trouble with people
is you
sometimes i think such nonsense
i catch myself at it
it blows my mind
slow motion droplets collisions
anne sexton’s suicide was chilling, planned over six months right down to getting her daughter to agree to be her literary executor
a very determined
self-execution, she pretty well told everyone she was going to do it too
if you want to understand existance, its at the end of a long chain of very low probabilities, but looking from the end of the chain is not surprising because one can only look from that end
j.m. daughter of the hurunui, rangiora and the wild west sea
they do earn their money on "reality" shows
they go in a fool and come out with a
nation-wide reputation as a fool
religion is just intellectual "slumming", by the "slum dwellers" as it happens
i quite like
this because its saying the universe is in a relative state of order so there is a slope for it to flow down the gradient to disorder, in the same way biological life does
there’s this very successful mechanistic explantion of the "why" of life and consciousness so no supernatural notions of external cause are necessary, but there is something else going on and i wouldn’t say it is entirely unrelated to the mechanistic explanation, perhaps in abstract principle like observation affecting outcomes and uncertainty
i think a good poem is quite densely packed with a multitude of meanings and when you unpack it to give a meaning, you are only giving part of the story
i think if you are writing and
self-publishing like me, you have to have a definite
self-editing process to be "healthy", which in the end, if done properly comes out to be much more effective than another person editing
i begrudge the time i spend "editing" and "laying up" my "suitcase" pages and not the writing, but that’s the healthy balance
or like fernando pessoa and emily dickinson i could just toss it in a trunk and in emily’s case, ask for the writing to be burnt, fortunately her "friends" had more sense, i don’t think her immediate family would have had the same sense
years ago i read the account of nikolai gogol being persuaded to burn the second volume of "dead souls" by an idiot priest, that account made a big impact on me, i never destroy any of what i write and even some photos taken years ago of my time in springwater, i have regretted my chucking them away in the grip of some confused thinking
the world lost a masterpiece with that burning by nikolai and the priest
an italian complaining about a depressed mood following getting new eyeglasses with zeiss duravsion
my reply
its not the uv being blocked that causes mood changes, but blue which the brain uses to synchronise the circadian rhythm
digital devices do not have a significant amount of blue in terms of "eye damage", but they do in terms of the brains synchronising of the circadian rhythm which is beneficial from morning to evening, but needs to be shut off several hours before bed
transmission graph for the zeiss duravsion blue protect which definitely takes out significant chunks of blue, appropriate for areas for bright sunlight, but not low light conditions
the insane can’t change
they are insane
brad warner, in my view you are showing mental health problems from vegetarian nutritional insufficiencies, you are in some really crazy space that the net and your reading audience validate somehow
another way of putting it, is you are intellectually "slumming"
as regards your "mental health" i don’t have the slightest expectation you will take what i am saying "on board", but this is friendly advice and not a put down or disparagement
the weirdness of the royal family
the media
this strange distorting mirror
you couldn’t pay me
the day burns time
burns burns
the night softens it a bit
the day burns time
burn burn
the night softens it a bit
supermarkets have their
own hours
and seasons
the swamp of humanity
ed. rather than "swamp" i was going to list "the varieties", but the list got too long and politically incorrect
the solitary, families,the harassed, deformed, robust, frial, fragile, sane, not quite sane, gregarious, impaired, functional, children, adults, the very old, handsome, bueatiful, ugly, non-descript, hopeful, hopeless, manic, depressed, the fat, the thin, the skeletal, the obese, girls, men, women, boys, adolescent (actually not so many of those, some form of self-selection out i’d say, not short at the KFC after school though),
trans, not quite trans, heterosexual, not sure of hetero, the lame, the wobbly, the walkers, the striders, children running, demanding, asking, adults tired, deflated, the sick, the crippled, the athletic
women’s magazines
scratchy females
ed. i was admiring the way the british female and even ex-colonial press is sticking it to megan markel because she is out of class, out of race and out of "britishness" and most dangerously, has "charisma", it all sorta glares at you as you glance at the magazine rack in the supermarket
pompeii, herculaneum, boscoreale, stabiae
middle class worlds
a middle class world
a middle class world
dozing in the car
surf in the distance
a family passes
give me the surf
“ i marvelled at a shoreless ocean
and a shore with no ocean
the breaking of dawn without darkness
and a night that never ended ”
that is not from the koran, but
ibn 'arabi and you can see that islam would have issues with it
islam is surprisingly or perhaps not so surprisingly hostile to the sufi which is
, in a way
, its mystical poetic branch
maybe that last line could have been
and the night that never ended ”
you can explain the universe and brain mechanistically, though you can never fully explain either, but this is itself explainable by the target being destroyed by the approach to the target which is recursion and actually the limitation of explanation since what is explained is part of the explanation and ultimately not mechanistic
aging and its certain maladies
the shrinking of the vitreous
“ i can’t understand what you are saying ”
wherein lies the fault ?
“ i can’t understand what you are saying ”
where lies the fault ?
hurunui mechatronics
one’s feet
in the sadness
juliet mclachlan
a child poet
yet there’s something i can’t quite put my finger on
the door to the north
is to look through a window
but to step
is different
the words twine of themselves
and a different sea and sky show
nike knows how to spend
quality time in the universe
i knew some-one who lived in kenya as a child in the early and
mid-sixties, she and her brother had the most wonderful time, africa in its benign years, well post the mau mau uprising anyway
there’s no comfort in the bad familiar
why do we bridle so
at the novel ?
if i can’t write poetry
i can write prose
and i can always write prose
if poetry is about "truth" then mental illness is important because people who are mentally ill are outside the boundaries of "normality" and you have to go outside the normal to see "truth"
"normality" from the point of view of truth is actually mentally ill, but of course the "normal" will never see this, its their nature in being normal and of course are very punishing to any hint of abnormality
i think successful poetry crosses both the normal and abnormal in a more or less functional way, always the challenge with abnormality and mental illness is to function and you need to appear normal to some extent, even though you are not
perhaps the best example of
"cross-over" is virginia woolf who transited in and out and finally out of mental illness (an excpetionally strong swimmer who had to load her coat with stones to be sure she would drown, too sad for words)
syliva plath’s poetry does not come from mental illness, but the functional occupation of all territories of being and in the end she got spread too thin with its inevitable consequence
why the university system is such a disaster with literature and the cloned idiots it is producing is because you can’t corset the abnormal to look like normal they way they do
to me, mini-monovision with a low glistening iol is the most robust option for cataract
i’ve gone with
1D of myopia for a while and sorta liked it, but settled back to .75D, but if you’re comfortable with one, the vision is better, it may cause more eye strain, i’m not sure
the golden rule however is to put the operation off for as long as possible, the technology is always improving
full monovision can give problems with
depth perception
all i can say i have never noticed this effect at
i think the "sweet spot" for mini-monovision varies with the individual and really the only way to tell is wear glasses with the extra myopia for six months
this is the problem with drugs, skew insight leading to craziness, how people can spend their lives stuck in this sort of bullshit is beyond me, but they do
“ what have i learned about zen ? well, the most significant moment for me was honestly
a mushroom trip. boring, but there you go. the experience i had showed me first hand that the mind is not what i thought it was, thought is not what i thought it was. i saw my human perspective melt like hot cheese, revealing a vast, intimidating existence that has been running like a well oiled machine since time immemorial without our help. we arise from it. it is us. we can’t break it, and we can’t fix it. its like a lightning flash ”
what i have noticed is people with a lot of difficult life experiences don’t necessarily learn from them, you have to process and learn which some never do, alcohol and drugs of course are anesthetics that facilitate this blind ignorance, if only the druggies weren’t so missionary about screwing everyone else up
interestingly, though charles bukowski was alcoholic, he did learn, i think the writing processed it for him and he went through so many unpleasant extremes things had to be clearer
but all the same he would have been a better and more interesting poet if he had not drunk, he was a true genius and could have had the stature of shakespeare/sir henry neville
victorian and edwardian england
a writers and artists tableaux
the like of which
has not been seen again
victorian england
a writers and artists tableaux
the like of which
has not been seen again
“ the ink dark moon ”
yet it sounds better to say
the dark ink moon
its ok
its not ok
you might as well spin a coin
what is the reality ?
some say its ok
some says its not ok
you might as well spin a coin
what is the reality ?
vegetarianism always runs into the problem of "invisible culling" which is the downsizing of various feral populations to stop "herbivation" of plant crops
i have to do it myself to keep my less than stellar vegetable garden out of various mouths
on a broader scope there’s a surprising number of animals
, (elephants, killer whales, whales, dolphins) who have a sufficiently similar consciousness to humans for their killing to be literal murder, and then you have humans in wars being literally murdered or starved etc
i just think the whole thing sounds unresolvable to me, beyond my control and i am under no obligation to compromise my health, digestion and cognitive function by the restricted diet of vegan or vegetarian
the mystical solipsist view actually requires the opposite, that you eat to maximise your long term health
i think there’s always a degree of schizophrenia associated with vegetarianism because it ignores the human context that prioritises the human and yourself over other species, though i don’t prioritise humans over other clearly equivalent species like elephants or killer whales
zen — the religion
of the stupid
a story made real
they do not understand this
ken wilber
the non-thinking man’s
thinking man
dying of some disease
he passes it around
a door sill
how worn ?
back and forth
we miss what this is saying to us
a salutary lesson about ezra’s pound’s later life is the extreme extent to which he manufactured his troubles
the italians weren’t keen on him broadcasting, nor was wartime italy friendly to him, and yet he stepped out against the current into what ruined his reputation and put him in danger of the death penalty
his fame worked against him, yet also saved him because of his supporters who were able to get him incarcerated in a mental asylum rather than face charges of treachery
how much simpler to have made a rational assessment of his beliefs and the likely outcome of any war, but of course he was quite schizophrenic by that point and had made the mistake of migrating from the much more interesting "literary schizophrenia" into the dull moronacy of "state and politcal belief sanctioned schizophrenia"
writers, poets and philosophers engage with politics at their peril, its too strong a brew
there’s an interesting story about marie curie, a young polish man who would have married her except his wealthy family objected and he acquiesced, in later years he would go and sit and look at a statue erected to her for hours
i think she would have been happier in that alternate life, he of course had become aware of his mistake
she literally created the mobile
X-ray service for wounded french soldiers and it was a significant help in reducing fatalities from surgery compared to the british
blossoms everywhere
the sterile sea
flaunts its whitecaps
ER" would have to be the most toxic show ever, the mindset of pretending cretins
i like
this poem by ōtomo no yakamochi about a guard leaving for a frontier post
a poem by ōtomo no yakamochi
meeting in dreams
is painful indeed
starting awake
and reaching out
the questing hand finds nothing
my reply
who i met in a dream
i never know
because of course
they are me
who are you fooling with your missionizing ? another day, another crap artist
you can’t take a drug that interferes with dopamine levels without long term serious side effects, you want to do a bit of research if you are taking adderall or its equivalents, there’s some real horror stories out there
each breath
is unique , i was thinking how fucked up meditation is from a health point of view with its restricted leg circulation, damaging the hip and knee joints and neurologically insane practices like following or counting the breath
if you are thinking of taking legal action, just remember that law is always half scam, that’s across the board and every aspect of it
only crazies read boring twaddle like ken wilber
the really insane think it has value
you don’t have to ask "what do women think ?"
all you have to do is listen to poetesses
its there in spades
“ is there any established tradition that comes close to your own ideal of ‘ mystical inquiry ’ ? ”
that’s an interesting question because what i notice about how i differ from others is i recognise that all the mystical religious traditions must have their validities and literature does as well
, historically very very few people ever get truly "enlightened"
, like
99% of zen is crap so across the entire historical records you only get a very few people that ever understand, the sixth patriarch and joshu for instance in zen (eihei dogen is sort of half and half, he should have lived longer), john of the cross and st teresa of avila, catherine of sienna, emily dickinson, the sufis sa'di and rabia of basra, there are more but its not a large list
so basically any religion (zen is a religion) is largely crap and plain wrong, but within them there’s a few over large expanses of time who actually understand what it is all about
of course these religions had their heyday in medieval times where people were compelled to follow them, now these days with no compulsion its senseless to belong to whatever nonsense they push
i think medieval times, between wars and diseases had genuine questions about death, like only a third of children ever made it to adolescence and people mostly never seem to live beyond their fifties so you got huge resources (witness the cathedrals) put into religions, or more modestly eihei dogen getting funding for his china trip and
but the core of it is there’s very few people who "understand", and all we know of them is their writing or writing about them (joshu’s case for instance, could he even write ? )
its like anything else that is effective, its a craft and what you do, you need to read quality and do a lot of "contemplative" work, its real slog and requires a lifetime
what i notice is that people just read junk and don’t do any contemplative work and/or just entrench their brain default circuitry in meditation, a form of schizophrenia actually
drug users just look for fancy wallpaper to justify the way they so destructively use their time
it so simple, but only a very few ever read quality and do the requisite "contemplation"
, there’s millions and millions of "pretenders" out there, its hard to get used to, but that’s the way it is
you stand above religion effectively and religion is just material you have to sift through
at some point explanations fail
and people have to deliver
when they can’t or don’t deliver
the explanations
evening has a sacred zone
the light unearthly, yellow
it exists for not too long
like us
my reply to warsan shire’s
poem “ women who are ‘ difficult ’ to love ”
strange and beautiful is not what we want
homely and familiar checks the box for most
those with sense anyway
the others find themselves on a different planet
hostile and full of unknowns
a precipice one constantly has to pay attention to
lest one slip
cast one
the abyss
everything is endless, yet we ourselves have an end
what does this mean ?
what happens when we die ?
does that question have any meaning ?
we run into the walls of meaning itself when we ask that
my "style" has a cast
it reveals who you are
some people
are better
the net
people with alcohol problems
people with drug problems
people with personality problems
all wanting to waste your time
i’ve had plenty of people try to imitate my "style"
, they all fail because they can only "burble"
the undercurrents of insight and well worked out conceptualisation are utterly beyond them
“ can the gut microbiome recover on it own after antibiotics, how many months can this take ? ”
a lactobacillus acidophilus only yogurt will be helpful
jason writes
sometimes i have dreams that give a feeling, its not all visual
it probably happens to most people where you have these dreams that when you wake up you know are sort of different
well i was walking around the house the other day and this feeling from this dream just hit me, i must’ve had the dream at least ten years ago, maybe eight
i remembered some scenes from the dream, but i’m writing this a day later and its already pretty much forgotten
the road of grief is one we travel by ourselves
grief is a road we are the only traveller on
everybody has their griefs
you can’t share them
anger at the world
a burning meaninglessness
that goes nowehere
if you have two languages and one can be translated into another, then obviously there is a deeper structure common to both
what is that deeper structure ?
its staring you in the face, its the sense and you can have the sense traverse across an infinite multitude of languages
interestingly if you look at the boundaries of what can and can’t be translated you run into the fact the quality poetry cannot be fully translated and therefore is not constrained to sense, but in some mystical way is superior
people who smoke pot when they get traumatized
never feel their trauma fully
its important to distinguish between micro or mini monovision and full monovision, this is because full monovision creates too much stress in the eyes from the large difference in magnification between them and also is dangerous from altered depth perception when driving
on the other hand a "mini/micro" monovision of -.
75D seems not to have these problems and gives good depth perception and enough magnification for anything except close reading
the micro/mini nomenclature is not that consistent, you could probably take it as from about
.5 to
1.5 of myopia, my personal view is you shouldn't go above
1 and i have
.75 in my left eye which has worked well for me, possibly going to
1 would give better close vision, but having had
1, i am happier with
i think adding say
.1 of myopia to the other eye might also be useful, but they no longer manufacture in such a fine gradient,
.25 is the minimum
full monovision or just plain monovision i think goes from about
1.5 to up to say
"why shouldn’t drugs be one part of a spiritual path"
because they damage the brain and give the wrong sort of insight
my reply to sylvia plath’s poem "elm"
the bottom
turns out to be
a fall
endless opening out
or closing
i have figured a lot of people on the net have personality disorders, you have to be more than careful
of course real life is like this to
when reality goes sour
fantasies become sickening
on reddit, you bail them into a corner and they run away with a downvote to signal their resignation
"jostaberry" i think is a rhyming slang form of the whimsical "just a berry"
, not the case
“ the name jostaberry was created via combining the german words for blackcurrant and gooseberry, namely johannisbeere ("jo") and stachelbeere ("sta"). following german pronunciation of "j"
, it may be pronounced "yostaberry" in english ”
"mysticism" or what zen is really about is almost entirely cognitive and experiential, it is a craft and the work of a lifetime
drugs are the classic pilgrim’s progress,
jumping the wall , the avenue of entry excludes authenticity
all the effects of drugs are to put a spanner in the works of the brain and you always get a degree of permanent damage
to me the only thing against a drug is "does it do permanent brain damage ?" and i don’t know one that doesn’t and the much vaunted "
LSD" seems to make for
self-righteous morons
what i also feel and as eihei dogen came to understand, is that the cognitive work is so difficult and time consuming, that short of celibacy and a life long involvement, you are just wasting your time
i know entry into a celibate priesthood before or around adolescence is no longer culturally applicable, but there may be events in your childhood that set you on a road of inquiry
obviously "harm" is a "spectrum"
, psychoactive chemicals like
DMT already being made by the brain are no guarantee of "harmlessness"
, how it would rate comparatively to say several glasses of wine i would have no idea
i used to be prepared to give ayahuasca the benefit of the doubt, but like
LSD the people that claim some sort of "mystical" understanding are the usual idiots, but as to the degree of harm its difficult to assess, its "users" are so sneaky in their presentation of effects
my primary point is the failure of these psychedelic type drugs users to be anything but misguided pests in terms of understanding what the mystical is about and this is exactly what you would expect since chemicals with random brain effects are never going to even slightly simulate a lifetime of intelligent and searching enquiry and "craft" development
far from seeing the inadequacy however, these people just "pretend" and as i say make pests of themselves trying to "sell" whatever "cognitive failures" they are pushing
what i am saying is the concern that a drug may cause permanent brain damage, you can look at alcohol as a brain damaging drug, some "recreational" drugs perhaps have a use for ptsd or say migraine in the case of microdose LSD and some psychiatric drugs are known for being particularly harmful
its all a complex moil, but for me, if it damages the brain i don’t take it, for instance i don’t drink alcohol
that’s just a practical side from the point of view of health and keeping one’s brain intact for "mystical inquiry"
i really have no beef with people anaesthetising themselves from reality with alcohol or drugs except they seem to make a pain in the arse of themselves on message boards and in life being very needy from curtailed functionality
that is all by the way
the real issue is that drugs do not give correct insights into "reality" and are counterproductive in terms of "mystical inquiry"
you have to do the work and get the "craft" of that "inquiry" to make that call though
an interesting case is konrad ryushin marchaj, erstwhile abbot of the zen monastery at mt tremper who was obviously getting very dissatisfied with all the bullshit going on there, yet was unable to see and say the crap for what it was and did ayahuasca and left (was pushed out for heterodoxy)
it was helpful to some extent, even a large extent but he’s still far from thinking straight in terms of mystical inquiry
maybe steven batchelor is the same, with drugs he saw buddhism as the crap it was, but he’s still not on track
yes, i know your type
anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot
in reality
you are unpleasant and incapable of grasping an argument
the strangeness of
seeing the wetness on the floor
the towel is damp
yet i have
no memory
taking a shower
ed. it amazed me, a complete blank to the extent that except for the evidence i had no idea i had taken a shower
the clone thinks
thinks like clones
the clone thinks
think like clones
the talentless patronising
i don’t think knowing the maori language is helpful to the promulgation of maori culture
a language that
no-one understands and will eventually die is alienating
knowing two languages are a burden and hurts the
bi-linguals, not the conventional view, but observation from life has left me with this opinion
of course knowing two languages is sometimes essential, then the benefits outweigh the costs
just about everybody could have done with useful advice at certain points in their life they never had
and so the world goes on
sounds at night
a dog barking at wallabies in the distance
a frog with quite a loud chirp
cats chewing on a wallaby carcass
wind in the gums further up the hill
soundless a meteorite
flashes across the sky
the fence rattles
the education system
is turning out
clones of their memes
there is nothing new about pandemics
the roman and byzantine empires
were brought down by a succession of pandemics
and one particular plague
in the case of the byzantine empire
our loss
the world is a whirlpool of contrariness
difficult to deal with
everybody comes up against the same thing
you can’t change the past an inch
don’t build
your own antenna
there’s a lifetime’s work there
he married her for her money
he fucked up the money
and now he’s off
a beautiful man
she had to have him
despite the red flags
a disaster
now a divorce
blinded by male beauty
he always was "unusual"
god, a hoarse throat
i think
i’ve got
jamelle’s reply
don’t reckon you have. when we were travelling n singing every week i often git crook with a hoarse throat. two old auctioneers came to see us one day at camp and i could hardly talk. they told me chocolate is the best cure and that’s what the do if crook before an auction. it worked for me andy
my reply
its ok this morning, the poem is satirical and i think prophetic of what is to come
some idiot continues to take umbrage at my saying
the poem "two mothers remembered" by joann snow duncanson can’t be
re-written effectively in the male voice
quite a good
reading of the poem
my reply
you can’t seem to understand what you read and continue in your
wrong-minded, abusive and patronising way and i assume you are like this in real life
to go from female to male is more than changing a
, it is as i say "cataclysmic"
there is not male and female on a background of some
supra-sexual non-identity, there is only male and female and if you read the plays (in fact by sir henry neville) he modulates between the two and never falls back into the mistake of "supra"
not understanding you attempt to ridicule and beat down, what can i say ?
the travesty of alzheimer’s
they are and aren’t
we both bleed
o l d e r
there, that’s the male voice
“ the microscopic toner nanoparticles that waft from laser printers may change our genetic and metabolic profiles in ways that
make disease more likely ”
no way you should a mobile phone against the ear/brain
the di mateo and gagliano each suited different types of music and i thought the stradivarius was off tone a bit, but you can’t expect the sound to be the same as when it was made, the resonant characteristics of the wood will be quite different now, so much time has passed
lol, even the violins change on you
interesting price scaling :
$100 to
$10 million, a factor of one hundred thousand, only normal by astronomical standards
no. 1 (
$10,000 di mateo) and no.
5 (
$100,000 gagliano)
are best , each for different types of music and i didn’t think much of the stradivarius (no. 4)
you can’t expect the stradivarius to be any good, the woods resonant characteristics will be totally different from the original, so much time has passed, this example is off tone
so the best quality, like a lot of things is not at the very high or low price ends, but often r mid range or a tad higher or lower
i don’t get as panicked about things as i used to, but investigate further and accept the way the world occurs more and understand the huge energetic costs of swimming against the current, which actually is often necessary to survive
the symptoms of a viral illness are in fact part of the bodies immune response to it so if you suppress the symptoms, you suppress the immune response, the most classic case is south sea islanders going into the sea to cool off from the high temperatures of newly introduced european diseases and dying from that cooling
people seem to have a differing response to the corona virus which it sounds like we will all inevitably get, but pneumonia is likely, pandemics destroyed the roman and byzantine empires, we can just be thankful the corona virus is so mild in effect which it may not necessarily remain so, harmful mutations are possible
there’s a current stupidity where male versus female is viewed as minor differences, i regard them as cataclysmic
for funeral eulogies, just go down memory lane a bit, that’s all that’s required, wanted and fit for purpose
the flowers unpicked
the plums ungathered
their fragrance no longer brought into the world
it withers away with her loss
ed. this was inspired by, and is somewhat a re-translation of a poem by alphonsus de guimaraens
the cinnamomums shall cry for her being not
as their flowers wither at the fall of the day
off the orange groves plums shall drop
reminiscing her who would reap them away
the stars will say : alas ! we are no more for she perished, silent and cold as the winter
and laying their eyes on her as we have before they shall mourn for their smiling sister
the moon, as the caring mother she was, who watched her grow and cherish, shall wrap her in lillies and petals of rose
my dreams of love will be expired
and archangels will say in the blue, upon seeing her, thinking of me : why did they not come together ?
i don’t know that mathematics is a language in its own right, rather its some sort of subset of language, exactly what, i don’t know
my comment on a brad warner
i do think an involvement in any sort of religious group teaches social skills and "oversharing" is simply a social skills problem, its always a line everyone walks and some people are too concealing, you need to discuss stuff about yourself occasionally and so you can be harmed by being too reticent
likewise you can be too revealing to people who can or will use that information against you
its an ongoing skill development and i really feel my involvement in zen dramatically improved that for me
i notice that a lot of the "net only" zennnists have very poor social and dialogue skills, totally unable to have a productive discussion, just aggressive missionizing of whatever craziness and unable to look at something rationally
i think what andrei tarkovsky does is try
to bring back the meaning of the past, something beautiful that is gone
i think what andrei tarkovsky does is try to bring back the meaning of the past, something that is gone
i don’t know why people have such trouble with noam chompsky’s theory of "universal grammar"
its like perception, its an inherent construct of the brain
this seems to offend some, why is hard to see
what is there to say ?
there’s no relief from the pain and failings of old age
well, there is a relief and it comes like the dawn sun limning the hills
why should such a glory be so painful ?
what is there to say ?
there’s no relief from the pain and insufficiencies of old age
well, there is a relief and it comes like the dawn sun limning the hills
why should such a glory be so painful ?
the natural world
everything eating everything else
with no apologies
they too
need to breed
the inks are toxic and carcinogenic, they have nanoparticles in, mess the immune system and create social barriers, the art is always bad, all you have to do is not get it done,
tattoo-ees are in some respects crazy, its actually a form of self harm of which body modification is a stronger extreme
if you have ever seen any serious body modifcation and understood its a continuum you would never touch a tattoo in your life
its amazing what sticks in memory, i remember a poem by wang wei who was lost in the woods on his way to a hermitage with evening falling and he was worried about tigers
he just sat down for a while and his panic passed
well as it happens tiger’s peak activity is during the day and noon and
drops right off in the evening
men and women
thrust together
by evolutionary necessity
neither particularly likes the other
its designed
to look
men and women
thrust together
by evolution
neither particularly likes the other
its designed
to look
we have the genetic coding for the deep structure of language, we don’t have it for a specfic implementation, wars are born from this, i won’t call it a failure
one of the primary reasons for a religion which is no longer understood in the western world because of the separation of state and church was a belief in the afterlife making men ready to die for their country or cause
this goes right back to the ancient egyptians
its interesting that the soviet union was so brutal to retreating soldiers in the battlefield or even just their own men being taken prisoner and returning was necessary because of this lack of belief in the afterlife and extreme force was required to coerce men to put their own lives in danger
ISIS plays up the afterlife (one particularly appealing to young men) heavily, but its dissonant in today’s world and a reason it only exists as a fringe minority
we are less than rational creatures, underlying beliefs, however wrong still can have strong influences on behavior
beware of circular stories
your own life, books, the lives of others, religion
perhaps what a novel really is, is a story that endlessly repeats
it runs through, then when you pick up the book again to reread it, it just runs through again to return to where it started
— jane austen and all the film versions of
emma and pride and prejudice
this really conveys
the size of an elephant in relation to our own
pretend versus the real
1 million to
the net sometimes seems very strange, ann sexton’s
daughter , still alive, well and "consulting"
she has that "manic look" her mother has for sure, not quite the same intensity though and perhaps just as well for her
some sort of refugee from the hurricane that was her mother, but alas, lacking the talent
the dreaming poets
their trash
journal publishing
i got a miffed reply
my reply
stung huh ?
X is jean conrad hottinguer,
Y is pierre bellamy is and
Z is lucien hauteval
XYZ affair
some of the planetary formation processes are surprisingly quick compared to the biological
there are insects in amber going back
100 million years and earlier, yet the earth
aggregated out of the protoplantary disc in five million
to those that think straight
live straight
the world crucifies
traumatised by its own
if something can occur and does
surprised ?
if something can occur and does
why should we be surprised ?
my brain is far more elegant than my thoughts
i don’t know how this can be
writing is like a drawing or painting
you can scribble anything
that doesn’t make it a dali, monet, chagall, picasso or vermeer
the net morons with their tomes of barf
reject any notion of skill or craft
that they say it – is enough
in their eyes
narcissistic validation is what they seek
of necessity their product must reek
you don’t even need the universe
all you need are the four walls of a kitchen
to know
something odd is happening
what’s in the fine print
collomer lenses
increase IOP by a mm of Hg, that raises a red flag imo
they have never been
100% safe
the evening star
seems to be falling
through the tree’s branches
the evening star
seems to be falling
through the tree’s branches
i was driving through a back way to a town a bit further up the coast than i usually travel
so many years since i had done that
a trip through memory lane
farms and their houses pass leisurely by
some-one had up signage for suicide prevention resources on the side of the road
facebook even
i took a double take
if you always go the same way
it will crimp you
when i drive
the landscape
informs me
artie lange is really quite interesting, looks like an accountant, but he’s certainly not
what i notice is that bad as some drugs like cocaine are, they don’t fuck up your health like serious alcohol use does
eihei dogen is the most unabashedly mystical of all the famous zen "masters"
if you think that what it is about
is day in day out contemplation
you are right
and wrong
the gums in an unearthly
reflected light
along the horizon
intense orange
a long distant sunset
not red
but an intense orange
a long distant sunset
not red
but orange
i look once
i look twice
the world still holds together
how deceitful
i look once
i look again
the world still holds together
how deceitful
an anne sexton quote
the boys and girls are one tonight
they unbutton blouses. they unzip flies
they take off shoes. they turn off the light
the glimmering creatures are full of lies
they are eating each other. they are overfed
at night, alone, i marry the bed
what i dislike about "dharma talks" or "teishos" is they take advantage of the suggestibility and plasticity induced by the meditation and retreat to shove complete nonsense down your throats
it has taken me decades to walk that bullshit back, the problem with zen is the "transmission system" has meant that only the most dull morons become zen masters so its all swamped with complete idiocy
it takes ten years to start to become good at something
it really does
if there’s an oscar for actress with the least intellectual depth
anya taylor-joy would
win it
“ the biggest beauty mistake i have ever made i think potentially is not learning how to apply
make-up ”
my mother’s poem
the bumble bees are bouncing on the
cat-mint plants
each slender stalk weighted for a moment
then released, trembling, like lilac flowered springs
her comment :
i’ve been watching the bumble bees, they love ourcat-mint its quite a strong smell but they don’t seem to mind, little black bodies busy at work
hot and dry here, keep moving the hose
a benefit of "kinhin" from an old chinese source describing it as done in india
as per brad warner
“ first it cures diseases and second it helps digestion ”
monasteries have always been notorious for infectious disease, the strangest, yet most unappreciated thing about the modern world is our long life expectancies, there seems to be some prohibition against mentioning that eihei dogen died of tuberculosis, why is that ?
the stench of decay and disability is too much for our sensitive noses ?
too much reality for all today’s fakes chained up in their pretending
the yasutani lineage does a slow walk followed by a fast walk
jason writes
what really clicked for me today is realizing that going to a scenic place on my own and doing my own sort of retreat would be better than going to someone else’s
my comment
i don’t think i could go on a group retreat or meditate again, they are things left in the now distant past
the question i have is whether they were necessary stages or not
but guess what, its not my problem to sort out
the basic difficulty is the level of indoctrination with the retreat
that takes decades to unwind
its hard to believe that just about everybody in the "spiritual circuit" is a stupid moron pretending to understand something they are clueless about, but that’s the fact which eventually leaves you rather alone
that’s not to say you won’t benefit from some dealing with these types
the internet is not your local experience, remember that and be cautious
sometimes the most extreme person on the planet is facing you
in rare cases
the internet is not your local experience, remember that and be cautious
one of the problems with fantasies is they tend to be "inverted" compared to real life
entertainment fiction is particularly prone to this, star crossed lovers becoming uncrossed where irl they become more crossed
high levels of violence causing no damage to the participants
one wins against many, i don’t have to say much about that one do i ?
women with unlimited shelf life and socially sophisticated men with good verbal skills
the inversions are endless
the inks are toxic/carcinogenic, they mess the immune system and have high levels of nanoparticles
ever wonder why heavily tattooed people are so off the planet ?
its prevalence in the recidivist prison population is not an accident
keratinocytes form
neuronlike connections with melanocytes, the skin is an organ, you wouldn’t tattoo your heart would you ?
there’s no answer in terms of place, its just a dream
jason writes
arriving at the beach i’m not feeling too well, there are a lot of beach goers for the middle of february but its an uncommonly nice day of almost
anyway i walk on the sand to the water and once i get to the ocean there’s a breeze that washes away my worries
i keep walking along the water, the smell of the ocean brings good memories
at first it seems like there’s a lot of crazy people walking along the water, i wonder if the sane people are walking on the boardwalk one hundred yards away
i walk for
forty-five minutes and turn around, i now notice couples dressed nicely
my shoulder isn’t feeling well so i decide to pack it up after an hour and a half
walking back i think i just want to stay longer !
my comment
this is really what 'spiritual work' is about, why there is a trillion dollar industry called "religion"
, self improvement, new age, whatever is beyond me, except its intrinsic to existance
all the zillions of man hours by the frauds are nothing compared to a single drop of this "washing away" or fugue
i can’t post anywhere without being harassed by these bad tempered "wastrels" seeking to beat my authenticity down
good advice on being an electrical apprentice, but is generally applicable
some of the comments are good too
man i did a dumb thing last night, got my first mobile phone and thinking the
micro-B USB receptacle had a little internal flange to press to remove the back, put a very small screwdriver in to lever it
looking at the flange under the magnifying glass, i have messed the contacts
, but it still seems to charge
i’m gonna get a bluetooth headset i think to keep the radiation intensity at the head down
aaagh, well it has messed the contacts a bit, but it still charges
a correspondent writes
andrew i don’t know why i worry so much
conventionally i might be a failure but unconventionally i’m not
i went to the beach today for an hour and a half and once i got to the ocean i felt like a lot of worries just ‘ washed’ away, as i was leaving i just felt that i should stay longer
my reply
yeah i do that too and usually i stay longer
its a sorta "fugue state" and that’s what it’s all about, usually it generates some writing too
the meaning of a good poem transcends the language used to express it
the meaning of a good poem transcends the language used to write it
jason writes
its pretty simple if you want a better life
don’t drink or do drugs
i’m no saint but i know its the truth
“ are you enlightened yet ? ”
to the extent pot and games are not my life
can you say the same ?
these twits who piss their lives away and get shitty with anyone who shows there’s more
a great reading by rachel mckibbens of her
poem "after the siamese twins made a scene at the airport security"
cows looking to breed
why do you think they have milk ?
call me misogynist ?
not looking to breed
but it happens
call me
cows looking to breed
why do you think they have milk ?
call me misogynist ?
not looking to breed
but it happens
call me
its many, many years since i have read attar, so long i can’t remember any of it
sholeh wolpe
reads from her translation of "the conference of the birds"
it makes a lot more sense to me now than it did then, but i think something must have filtered through at the time i first read it
people react bady to facial tattoos, the stupidity is unbelievable
do they think it will just wash off ?
we are hardwired to search the face for behavior cues and signs of illness or disease
do they think they can beat a million years of evolution ?
i think some women can have too strong a sense of a child being entirely their own and not half their father
present pain
previous gain
its not what we are that is so interesting
its what we are not
at least to ourselves
always walking down the wrong road
to what effect ?
it wraps up
i begin again
life is strife
today mutates yesterday
yesterday mutates tomorrow
and the end comes to the beginning and the beginning comes to an end
life is strife
today mutates yesterday
yesterday mutates tomorrow
the ends come to the beginning and the beginning comes to an end
life is strife
today mutates yesterday
yesterday mutates today
the ends come to the beginning and the beginning comes to an end
the new emma (2020) looks startlingly
well cast with anya
taylor-joy in the titular role
i think there’s something with the younger generations, they expect things to be immediate when it takes a decade of work
its a criticism i make because i am so familiar with endlessly making that mistake myself
basically i have a daily regimen of supplements i take with the occasional extras
i never drop everything entirely, though i do try to work out what suits me best on an ongoing basis and this has held me and my health in good stead
there is no fixed point in life; health, home, family, relationships, children, some resonance with a geographical place
when we die, we could be anywhere
blue light protection for prescription glasses is just a marketing gimmick, any realistic level of blue blocking would mean the glasses had a strong orange tint
also blue is used by the body and brain to set circadian rhythm signals, so short of bright sunlight, you don’t want to exclude it at all
one of the interesting things and benefits of the net if you
self-publish on it, is if you post on a few message boards, you can create an editing function on your work
i find the problem with retreats is the way you get indoctrinated
they may open up avenues, but they also close off avenues
the only place i ever came across with retreats that had no indoctrination was the springwater center which is basically zen without the religious belief system, there was a schedule , but i never found the retreats onerous and of course it was in beautiful countryside you could wander about in, you didn’t have to sit at all, though you could if you wanted to, but i never did
i also went to a retreat at a cistercian monastery where they left you alone with the option of talking to a priest (catholicism is very hierarchical, you had to talk to a priest and not a monk)
, it was actually a free retreat and the monks were not a bad lot with a lot of women around which opened my eyes a bit about the celibacy business
unitarianism has a surprisingly similar theology to islam, perhaps due to its roots in eastern europe and the islamic influence there
if you are considering lasik or lens replacement, remember that our eyes are delicate mechanisms we are so dependent on for our quality of life, there’s a lot to go wrong, benefit needs to balance risk
if you look back over your life
you can’t change it an inch
if you look back over your life anyway
you can’t change it an inch
the "spiritual path" involves a lot of looking back at your life and adding up the "open sums", this is not a process that can be rushed
a religion
does not ask what it is about
it is preoccupied with its own forms
and meanings
if you try to figure things out
you are chasing a
will - o' - the - wisp
if you don’t figure things out
you are dangerously stranded
there are whole worlds
, universes gone
before we came on the scene
there are whole worlds universes to come
after we have gone from the scene
what does this mean ?
night fell
498 pages later
the sun rose
the ungreat american novel
recently discovered
in my brain
i’m not going to try russia
i can’t speak the language and there’s real competiton
наступила ночь
комиссар поморщился
взошло солнце
с лицом Сталина
you can’t write other than what you write
if you could write other than what you write
a different
lens replacement elevates the risk of some eye diseases, its not as benign as made out
during the viral season you have to be careful of supplements like fish or krill oil which suppress the immune system
K2 boosts the immune system and is needed to balance up vitamin
anne sexton reading her poem
her kind
scary as shit from the male perspective
if you are educating yourself on something i find if you look at a lot of different videos
, you just take a bit from each, they don’t have to be perfect, just teach you something
when i started sitting zen, the group i was with was "leaderless"
, the remnants of a group interested in joshu sasaki who never visited, i got lucky because for a few years this was the best group i was ever involved with, then it all went to hell as several competing adherences to different "roshis" caused schisms
there’s something in the authoritarian structure of zen that leads everyone to want to be a "roshi" and this apparently means you are required to make the group into your version or start a new group
those were the days, everyone was equal and kept their views mostly to themselves and there was just a weekly sit with the occasional retreat, then "the machine" started to take over
i have never ever come across this "free zen" again, its all dominated by institutions now
endless meta about things
endless meta about things
do the work
endless meta about things
when you actually do the work
the external world
a mire of complexity
the internal world
simple patterns
re-occur -
inverted image
a spider on the window pane
i put a card edge up to it to walk onto so i could flick it outside the house
it was on the other side of the pane
our house turns out to have been joni mitchell’s with boyfriend graham nash living there with her
one trap for the inexperienced with the arts is it looks like there is an unending blob out there, but once you narrow it down to spheres of competence, there’s very few and their views are
workman-like and predictable
what is confusing is the vast bulk of the craftless all shouting
, "i’m the one" whereas competence sits back and lets its work speak for itself
sylvia’s mother
actually says
brad warner baring
his breasts
its interesting that she/he wants to appear as a male, concern with appearance is a very female trait though, men don’t really care and this actually i think is why "trans" seems to be a schizophrenic bolt hole, there’s no such thing as black and white male and female in these cases, the developmental nature means that you necessarily have a strong mix of male and female traits
the intense focus on appearing to be the opposite sex is a female trait which cuts both ways, women wanting to appear as men and men wanting to appear as women
operations and hormones, except in a few childhood cases are just a further excursion into a difficult
no-man’s land with strong negative health consequences
the most interesting thing about "gender blurring" by which i mean brains that are not distinctly male or female is the huge intellectual power its gives, leonardo da vinci, sir henry neville/shakespeare, sir isaac newton, a lot of great artists and thinkers, if you scratch the surface, it starts to all look very "blurred" which does not necessarily mean homosexuality at all
somethings you can’t rush
inspiration for a poem for instance
it turns up
when it turns up
falsehood is true
and the true is false
what a world
trying to makes sense
a bit of a riff on a
wall hanging in marianne faithfull’s apartment
“ i was abused as a child by my father, and i remember being able to relate to
luka when this song came out
i was sixteen years old in
87'. i am now the father of five, and i did not abuse my kids
i couldn’t forget how it felt to be a small weak child with no way to stop being hit, and not understanding what i did that caused me to be hurt
thanks suzanne for your poignant song about child abuse ”
suzanne vega singing
tom’s diner and she also gives the "backstory"
something is not wrong for being what it is
its wrong
because its wrong
something is not wrong for being itself
its wrong
because its wrong
monkeys have a degree of speed,
acrobatics and dextrous
co-ordination that humans can only marvel at
with poetry
why is there so much rubbish around
and very little that makes sense to oneself ?
a ball of fluff
i blow it to the wind
it doesn’t really disperse
transmission and zen truths
until you experience transmission you won’t believe it and what’s more since hardly any zen masters have had the real thing and are stupid arseholes, they will try and decoy you off it
you actually need quite a few transmission events to get a real bead on what is happening and life
until then you will gabble putridly or do as some do, take the road of ignorant silence called "grunt zen"
when you have had a series of "transmissions" you will write, think and speak as a patriarch and feel contempt for the usual bad translations and garbled nonsense of the so called zen records
keep your distance from the pretenders, they are toxic
like anything else its a craft and you have to do a lot of work to get facility, so much so that its easy to understand why the only decent zen comes from celibacy and in the historical case of ch’an, from a very young age with a lot of travelling
zen requires a long life span, there’s no other way
“ cataract surgery is an independent risk factor for
retinal detachment due to postsurgical anatomical and biochemical alterations in the vitreous
anatomically, following the removal of the native lens, there are changes in the vitreous volume possibly affecting its mobility
in addition, critical biochemical changes including differences in proteome, viscosity, and macromolecules in the vitreous humour were found and may lead to a posterior vitreous detachment, a known risk factor for RD ”
the period for this happening is surprisingly long with the average being
1.5–2.3 years
its the association of poetry journals with the academic literary world which has become unspeakably toxic that attracts my ire
its a world of mistakes, if you don’t see that, blindness does not begin to describe it
in criticising the very low standard of contemporary poerty, its just an observation and in making it, i know what to avoid being sucked in by
the pompous inane
self-certainty of the untalented
social skills go a long way, self righteous indignation goes nowhere
376 foot long "yacht" is completely
over the top , makes the same mistake as steve jobs’s boat, not capable of handling heavy seas
a swimming pool for god’s sake, what’s the point of being on the sea ?
the fiction
of the communal
marriage -
its actually a partnership for the raising of children
you want it darker
hineni for what ?
the light bleeds
as badly as dark
you want it darker
hineni for what ?
the light bleeds
as badly as the dark
a response to leonard cohen’s
this world
a cycling from infancy to prime to senescence
it thinks there is something going on
there is
but what can you learn from it ?
the joy of birth is drowned in the tears of senescence
i walked out the door
there was a purple light
i haven’t seen it before
it was like walking in velvet
“ journal (ed. poetry) publication has long been, and continues to be, the best way . . . ”
to be part of an unctuous, untalented clique
“ no, mostly because it sounds like you know almost nothing about publication. there are so many unaffiliated small presses that calling it a "clique" is stretching the definition to the breaking point. there are thousands of journals out there, and i can say with relative certainty that whatever style of poetry interests you, from identity poetry,
to insta-movement, to formal, to absurdist, to metapoetic, is represented by some journal somewhere. where are you reading your poetry where all the talented,
less-oily poets are sharing their work ? ”
the marvellous thing about writing is you can read across the ages from a generation ago to sappho and heraclitus
"from identity poetry,
to insta-movement, to formal, to absurdist, to metapoetic, is represented by some journal somewhere"
you don’t consider these cliques ? the present generation is too intellectually downsized by pot and a bad diet
i’m just after interesting and original ideas and expression, and there’s very little of that around in contemporary poetry, the scene is just swamped by worse than the mediocre
the wannabe literati
chasing no money
wonder why
the piggybank
mediocrity is doomed to itself by its
you are doing the right thing by investigating the options and not rushing into it if you are facing a cataract operation
ophthalmologists are not gods, but the usual flawed humans and given the cost structure of the industry they work in, only have a very limited amount of time and attention to give you
there is a lot of very good research available on the net in this area
the cornea is an inflatable dome, i really would avoid doing anything in the way of lasik or incisions to it, long term its just not that stable
its always a big help to being familiar with the life of the author to get the flavour or character of their poems
i wonder what the "backstory" of william wordsworth’s poem "the solitary reaper" was ?
your comfort with your level of ignorance is astounding
i feel videos of poems read aloud need to expand the meaning of the poem, and not be some rather senseless wallpaper
i think in my entire viewing experience i might have seen only a small few that have done this, the rest are bad wallpaper
in making such a video, you are offering an interpretation of the poem, so its needs to be coherent and on target
i think poetry has to use sound to amplify the intensity of meaning
forced rhymes don’t do this
some bullshit reply to me (below) on r|poetry, it beats me why they do this
“ that’s the inherent beauty of the ‘artistry’ of language, isn’t it ? great masters — shakespeare, frost, dylan — never “forced” a rhyme . . . they didn’t have to, did they ? ”
the notion of "great masters" is a somewhat passive and depressive view, if you write yourself then you take a more functional approach
"shakespeare" makes more sense if its really "sir henry neville"
poetry takes you into other worlds
the poem is the thing itself
the other world
reading boring people
being boring and stupid
perhaps the uncertainty of quantum mechanics is a reflection of the "arrow of time" and the crossover between reversible physical laws and this irreversible world we live in
is sex worth the dicussion afterwards ?
a good case study of what constitutes copyright "protection"
leonard french finds that the expression
in this case is different which you might expect with an experienced copyright infringement avoider like pixar
copyright does not protect ideas, only expression
i think with my writing that the ideas are so welded into the expression that from a copyright point of view they are well protected and the endless availability of orginality has never left me looking to violate anyone else’s copyright
the plaintiffs "unicorn" is a standard motif and not a unique expression at all, no doubt itself a violation of someone’s copyright
the golden rule of "copyright" is there has to be substantial monetary benefit to justify the court’s attention, that benefit is not there in this case
there is
some research going on for a nonsurgical reversal of cataract, but no immediate prospects on the horizon
a surprising number of questions have their resolution, not in an answer, but the discovery of the inadequacy of the question
sometimes you can create questions when really there are none
just stones bouncing in a rattle
sometimes you can create questions when really there are none
sometimes you can create a question when really there is none
the flaw in the boltzman brain hypothesis is that such brains coming into existance is impossible, not simply improbable, the existance of such a brain would be a contradiction in such universes as they might arise
the universe in which they do exist is of course that of defunct hypotheses, an impoverished imaginary one and lo and behold, they do exist there
let me give my own law, that something cannot exist where [the existance of] its similars would undercut the basis for its existance
phedinkus, malarkey and ackamarackus, new words for the armory
i can’t say
i won’t say
i don’t say
rachel mckibbens
reading her poem "oxnard"
about as blood thirsty as you can get and sorta on target
yes rachel, no bullseyes but on the boundary between being wrong and right, not bad for a woman with five children
you look at pictures of holy men and women with halos and other paraphernalia of righteousness
from another perspective they are the images of insanity
you’re a millenial with your “ don’t bother me with sorting my own questions out ” attitude ?
brad warner, what do you, sawaki and uchiyama have in common with eihei dogen that
shohaku okumura doesn’t ?
i don’t know why you walk around this, eihei didn’t
praying mantis clinging
to the white paper i glued to the shoji
at the end of autumn
where does it come from and to where does it go ?
poem by Yokoyama Sodo
so many claim to travel east when
they are travelling west
they even will call the setting sun rising
what is this world ?
god is everything
and nothing
its absence
sweet and sour
bitter and triumphant
sane and insane
see you can only express it in irreducibles and recursions
that’s what god is then in life
the irreducible recursive
and what is that ?
again and again
it comes back
the law of contrary effects should induce a note, or a symphony of caution about having "favourites"
odd ocular phenomena can be hypnagogic if it occurs in the transition region between sleep and being fully awake when the brain is in a confused state of visual processing
toni packer said that philip kapleau made up the enlightenment stories in his book "the three pillars of zen"
i think she was still bitter about what he did to her because she didn’t want to go to his funeral, even though in the end she went
#me too
in my research on getting my cataracts replaced i see a lot of people harmed by bad advice from ophthalmologists, in the end its the patient’s fault, they didn’t research adequately even though that research is difficult
its because they bear the entire consequences of a bad decision that they are at fault, not some fake social or moral allocation of blame
it is utterly inconsistent, incorrigible really, to be supposedly concerned with the "truth of life" yet have untrue underlying premises like the fictional historical existances of the founders of a religion
a way of looking at substance addiction, particularly smoking, is it inducts a form of schizophrenia
a reasonable person does not get caught in addiction, but of course, schizophrenia is not reasonable
you can make a mistake for twenty or thirty years, unless you address the mistake it remains a mistake, its as simple as that
i remember my father used to throw me into dangerous jobs on the farm, not deliberately, but because he was so experienced he didn’t account for my inexperience creating a dangerous situation
judi drench reading an excerpt of
the poem "my homeland" by miklós radnóti
she has the marvellous ability to be "empty" herself which lets the pathos of the poem come through
another poem of his
forced march
i have learnt this climbing and things, you have to ask yourself what happens if things go wrong, what is the fall back position because one day the worst will happen
religion is an illusion sustainable only by censorship
with no censorship
10th jataka tale, the buddha is put in a cage and used as a lure by some hellish demon to decoy all the twits into zen
it worked so well it created "quality control" problems in hell with the demons nonplussed by these people prepared to torture themselves
the buddha claimed no responsibility as he was well fed and the cage was comfortably furnished, these people deserved what they got and as he was an illusion anyway, how could you hold an illusion accountable ?
you can’t escape
your similarity
to your parents
dealing with people from every occupation, ability, disability, life stage, status, situation, gender orientation, degree of friendliness or hostility, wealth or poverty — endless whatever
doesn’t teach you a thing
except to avoid them
you can see how a bit of carelessness can cascade to a heap of shit to deal with
universals are completely disconnected from particulars, yet universals are still universals and particulars particulars
universals are completely disconnected from particulars, yet universals are still universals and particulars still particulars
“ why do you think you responded in such a heated manner ”
because you’re a passive aggressive fake, seen it so often and its typical of the self
knee-capping taught in religions
you won’t even blink reading this will you ?
your type is dependent on censoring to make you look good, well, for whatever reason brad is not censoring
here so you try to impose your own subtle shit to maintain your unreal world
you’re a standard
anti-schismic meme bot designed to relentlessly attack via argumentum ad hominem and not able to address content at all
in earlier times people like you lead your victims to be burnt alive
these people whose world is one of passive aggression and dissembling behind masks
watch out for them, they mean you harm
i find u.g. krishnamurti more interesting that j.k. because he says "you can’t convey anything", which basically unseats the religious position on practices, "doing things" etc
so while jk gave retreats ug just travelled around bludging and telling people they were wrong, nice work if you can get it
it always amazes me there was never an assassination attempt on him given india’s religious climate
so one of the things i took from him is that extreme estrangement from religion which i think is useful ie the religious game is just one giant sophisticated con and in my view this includes zen
“ you never miss an opportunity to throw some shade at zen ”
you’re some sort of "zen right or wrong" evangelist ? if something’s right, you are not defensive about it, on the other hand and what must be your case is you know the problems first hand and so are justifiably defensive
that’s how it comes across
in your case zen has made you a bullying inarticulate thug which actually is the nationalist zen part of the package impelling japan into
don’t you ever wonder about how fucked up you are ?
i haven’t looked at federico fellini’s films for while and i thought, well he’s supposed to be genuis, but is he ?
so the first two shorts from
8½ i looked at
the first three minutes
the harem scene
yes he is a genius, totally different from any other filmmaker, a gentle irony and intelligence pervades everything
people can be too thin skinned, they can also have too thick a hide
i am wary of those with too thick a hide
those with a thin skin, at least you can see what is going on
i think
this show is as fake as hell, all the values are jacked way up by the expert, brokers and seller
this is the
actual value of the gutenburg leaf, sold for
$29 thousand allowing for a 20% "buyer’s premium"
sara mohr-pietsch gives an
interesting tour of maurice ravel’s house at
artistically, an interesting period to have lived in, a certain "community" aspect not here today, or not at least with the same concentration
of talent
if you are doing
O.K. somewhere
don’t . rock . the . boat
pilgrim’s progress is one of the great mystical works, hugely underrated
a kickstarter
film has been made
his portrayal of people is so true to life
still, you can see the religious madness of the period
entering the other world
between the lions guarding the gates
one does not emerge
scratch free
looking under every stone
from one end of the river bed to another
still there is only me
looking under every stone
from one end of the river bed to another
still there is only you
philology is the study establishing the past meanings of words and text from cross referencing with the then contemporary and other relevant sources
for some reason zen and ch’an translators seem to assume that only modern mandarin and japanese were ever spoken or written in medieval times
the meaning of old texts is a murky pool and can take a lot of work to clarify, so much so that translators avoid its rigours hence creating works almost entirely fiction
TV shows like the late late show, conan, ellen and oprah are actually a form of streaming, no wonder the net is taking over
i can’t post anywhere without the crazies rushing in to tell me how wrong i am
my reply to yet another, i think i am going to try this line of "we have low opinions of each other, why are you replying me, i’m not initiating any reply with you" more often
“ its reasonable to ask
some-one not to reply to you, i have asked you, the world is not short of timewasting schizophrenics like yourself
i really think that of you so there is no point in your making any more replies to me, especially since you also have a low opinion of what i say
ta da ”
to understand life, some of that understanding is
this trips people up, an insurmountable barrier
life as normal is highly abnormal from the
counter-intuitive perspective
the posture is not important for meditation, the only important thing is not do anything in the sense of being occupied with the usual tasks
going for walks by yourself, just sitting in a chair, walking around the house, lying down, whatever, are all meditative
if you have a sedentary job, "sitting" is dangerous to your health, we are a species evolutionarily designed to be constantly moving
luis van ahn (duolingo) on the
necessity of speaking english
you know how it is with explanations
one day you have one explanation
the next day its different
i don’t know how one takes any of them seriously
its like this with cats
the house cat
doesn’t exist
years ago i backed over the only serious candidate
the feral cats come and go
depending on how i feed them
mainly wallaby carcasses
they have a sporadic continuity
like they exist and don’t
we join the dots
to make meaning
of what
really doesn’t
is there life after death ?
its sort of hard to get. life is continuity and death is discontinuity, but life has no meaning in terms of discontinuity
so continuities after death are only in terms of life, the usual family and friends, the continuities of remanence and footprint
a more meaningful question is, is there any continuity in death, in terms of death ?
i think there is
the great thing about arguing with idiots
is you know they can’t steal your intellectual property
they have no judgment
there’s no such thing as meditation
that’s why its "instructionless"
“ the counting of the breath is only a preliminary for beginners. its a very kind way as an introduction ”
there’s no such thing as a "beginner" in meditation
you haven’t worked anything out yourself and as result wallow in a mire of stupidity making it your mission in life to strew misinformation
to try and convince me in this matter is to utterly unappreciate the solipsist natue of reality
you are not simply "unenlightened" you are
"anti-enlightened", wtf, you have no shame to waste your life this way
ah, yes the illusion of "yoga bodies"
, like young americans don’t have the worst circulatory health ever
in olden times, monks worked the day in fields, the blobs of fat that pass for "average americana" lack the degree of fitness to make any degree of sitting meditation safe
"shikantaza" is about the only thing soto has right, when i started zen i was given zero instruction about what to do which is as it should be because the best translation of "shikantaza" is "instructionless"
its also the only safe way of meditating, people who count the breath or visualise, do the horse stance in front of "blasting music", lucid dreaming, psychedelics or whatever get really messed up
an ethos of no craft
mention it
and they look at you
an ethos of no craft
mention it
and they look at you
doesn’t bother the fake
like a corpse
not denying
the rotting flesh
a driver for what ?
live separate and continuous
a driver for what ?
kim addonizio
one of charles bukowski’s
broken women
except she wasn’t quite broken
though a drunk
kim addonizio
one of charles bukowski’s
broken women
except she wasn’t quite broken
though drunk
rain after the drought
some greens up
some rots
recovery takes
rain after the drought
some greens up
some rots
there is nothing more terrifying
than endless writing
more pours forth
pouring forth
there is nothing more terrifying
than endless writing
more pours forth
from the pouring forth
someone i know
had a stroke
and fell to the floor
almost immobile
and asked her daughter for help
the daughter didn’t help
they didn’t get along
our health is a bunch of settings
they can be in harmony
or not
“ pessoa’s suitcase ” a trap for the unwary
“ pessoa’s suitcase ”
what i say cannot go viral
because its not toxic
what i say cannot go viral
billie and finneas eilish
intially self-published
they broke the system
these "spiritual seekers"
proxying nonsense
nonsense proxies
rather than tell me you think i am mistaken
why don’t you research the topic ?
these net-ninnies who expect me to do all the work to sort out their fatuous ideas
who says time can’t be reversed ?
it can be reversed
the stream floods
from the waters in its catchment
the stream runneth forever
from the waters in its catchment
the net fakes are of two types
those that shrink when exposed
but still can’t grasp their fakeness
and those that continue to
with almost no encouragement
wallaby brains
two days in in a row
make me
this sort of writing at 5am
on a night
too hot and humid
to sleep
i don't think
IQ is a real thing
intelligence is multi dimensional
each has their dimension
those that make the tests
do well
on the tests
i don’t say philosophy is useless
one can make a use of it
why the future is always different from predictions
is it already has the predictions built in
why the future is different from predictions
is it already has the predictions built in
“ flowers for algernon ” is a real thing
life is full of asymmetry
where we expect symmetery
why this is
i do not know
i have written so much it seems i can’t say anything more that has been unsaid
but there is always more unsaid than has been said
i have written so much i can’t say anything more that has been unsaid
but there is always more unsaid than has been said
“ the way you use the terms blindness, schizophrenia and retardation
is demeaning to those with these conditions ”
they are unfortunate, i can’t see how they can be otherwise
to be human/alive is to constantly traverse all three
not asking how its wrong
the blind stumble on
thinking it right
what he she i it thought it was
it wasn’t
what it wasn’t
he she i it
thought it was
the definition of thought
you think a thing
it is
you unthink a thing
its not
the definition of thought
you think a thing
it is
you think a thing
its not
time racing by
and we even fill the little that’s available to us with entertainment
just doing nothing
is entertainment enough
see what flows
these clone wannabe’s in the “ spiritual scene ” and the patheticness of not even making that
education is a disaster area
its a bomb
that blows the pysche
all who go through it
no recovery
education is a disaster area
its like a bomb
that blows the pysche
all who go through it
no recovery
with the coronavirus, every person infects on average three other people
compared to influenza’s 1.2
its very contagious but not that fatal, only marginally worse than the flu
i think if it became a pandemic, the worry is not the virus itself,
but mutations
“ it was better to think of the emergent wuhan strain as a “cloud” of closely matched pathogens rather than a single virus
in a “high-host-density environment” such as heavily populated china, it could rapidly mutate and become more deadly
you may well find that more virulent viruses emerge from that cloud ”
when something doesn’t make sense more than it makes sense
you know you are on the right track
when something
the topic of “ enlightenment ” sure brings out the schizophrenics
probably necessarily so
an incentive to stop smoking
, protected stem cells can regenerate the lungs
the people who built stonehenge were a
different race to our english ancestors
the newspaper industry wouldn’t exist at this point except for historical remanence
when you are talking to someone on a message board, if they demonstrate bad faith by not answering a pertient question you ask, then its time to ditch the convo, these schizpohrenic "pains in the arse" just waste your time
“ practice is experience so zazen is enlightenment ”
huge jump mate (ed. brad warner paraphrasing dogen)
the fools
pursuing something
they can’t grasp
making the grasping their
we go through life continually creating new open terms in sums we never add up to cancel out
this has a deleterious effect on the brain
its an odd thing to go to bed
and then to sleep
we should weep to wake
endless the night sky
we don’t say the night sky
we are the night sky
what do the overall patterns of life mean
you can’t really say
what do they mean ?
lucid dreams
the brain’s chaotic mess
made conscious
seated meditation is to deny “ extended mind ”
its quiet now but the day has shredded me
i don’t feel settled
thwack, dung bettles hit the corrugated iron fence
not much else happening this summer’s evening
past sunset
lone thin crescent moon
no, there’s one small star
the siloutetted gums stretch out against
the religious world
only dealing with what it knows
one day
followed by another day
followed by another day
days haze
one day
followed by another
followed by another
the haze of days
a monk asked the zen master how long would it take to get enlightened, the master replied, when the temple no longer needs maintenance
years later as he was dying and worrying about the state of the roof he recalled the master’s words (long since dead) and had a sudden insight
she writes a poem
she’s sad
she writes a lyric
the mood shifts
a poem’s sadness
has an unseen joy
lyrics are empty
the lack of depth kills
busy busy
always busy
why would one not be busy
going somewhere ?
my view is that "zazen" is an introduction to the contemplative process and after several years you should be able to do this
i am ambiguous as to whether seated zazen is any use, but i certainly did it at weekly group sits and our annual sesshin when i started
i always sat seiza and my job at the time was physically active, there’s no way if you spend most of your day seated i would regard zazen as safe and in fact
some-one i knew of "renowned" as a great sitter was killed by a stroke very young
the odd thing about soto zen is eihei dogen wrote and read so much i think he hardly ever sat once back in japan and i have noticed today’s teachers hardly ever sit, they spend /waste all their time in interviews and talks
, so actually go backwards from a position that was never advanced in the first place
, or that of it that knows what its on about which is not much is fundamentally mystical, eihei dogen for instance talks about his visionary experiences, yet nowadays soto zen is mistakenly presented as being about endless sitting, what can you say, i never gave the visionary side thrupence in the beginning because the ignorant teachers don’t know shit
, it takes decades to understand their significance
until you have these experiences yourself, you won’t understand their significance
there, i’ve probably already told you more than you can cope with and no doubt i will get the usual savagely aggressive replies (ed. on brad’s
vlog ) by the morons who waste their lives and time and don’t like their feathers being ruffled
interestingly, there’s a theory that hominins forced lions to become more social animals since they had to co-operate to stop the hominins
from pinching their prey carcasses
zebras too must have been of the hit list because they have an instinct to stand well away from human habitations
my worst nightmare when i was travelling around australia, if i got stuck, since i was by myself, there was no hope
i was just ultra cautious and just about always only took sand as “ safe ” if i could see the tyre marks of other vehicles
stopping can be a problem too, wet sand melts under the tyres
looking at the depth of the tracks in the mud, they should never have travelled on it in the first place
“ does omega
3 (or other nutrients) have an affect on neuroplasticity and thus on vision therapy effectiveness ? ”
some fish are much higher in omega
3’s than others, salmon for example
you want to get a good quality brand of supplement, omega three oxidises quickly
there’s at least
7 vision processing layers in the brain, they do an amazing amount of work
where i live you can buy brains and eat them, those that are not sold to france; they do make a difference
the surreal
non-interactive world of modern media
the morons gape
consuming, not creating
echoing around
around the valley
the gulag of life
you can’t give an inch
go forwards
people’s sense of self worth is fragile
crush a fudamental point of it
and they will hate you forever
i don't know why men are so dumb about women
if they weren’t
i suppose
more than anything else
there’s so much in life
you don’t have
a thing
there’s so much in life
you don’t have
a thing
a flutter of red
for a moment
the winds shred
the trees
of leaves
elisabeth "lilo" gloeden at
her trial for hiding a general involved in the attempt on hitler’s life
the problem with soto zen is dogen hardly ever sat, but in reality was hyperlexic, the point is visionary experiences which go with a re-alignment of understanding the world into something more coherent from a mystical point of view and writing and contemplation are part of that
endless sitting is not to understand what it is all about, its a paradigm for the depressed stupid
"god is dark matter"
how’s that for an unabashed "hook" ?
dark energy and matter versus
re-arrangements of the existing order of things
its interesting because its a paradigm in mysticism, the positing of an entity like god to explain things, or there really is no god and you just need to
re-arrange the existing paradigms
my practical expereince is the answers are in the
re-arrangement of the existing, an "entity" is nonsense, but the removal of the idea of an entity is part of
"the re-arrangement"
the science is favouring dark matter at this point, the existance of dark energy is more nebulous
the catholic chuch has a different
damage + intelligence = artistic
damage + stupidity = religion
all the fuss about edward the
VIII's abdication, it had little to do with his wife being divorced except he married a silly woman, it was because of his nazi sympathies, he in effect publically said to hitler on his post abdication tour of germany that he was prepared to be king if germany invaded britain, that is, he was a collaborator
the rātana church is a surprising recreation of gnostic christianity, its amazing because it ties in with a version of christianity that has been pretty well lost for
1700 years
tahupōtiki rātana must have been familiar with some of the information being published at the time, he did a world tour in
1924 including china and japan with
a singing group, it was really something
the rātana church is a universalist bridge between european and maori political and religious cultures, and in theory, not isolationist at all
though the church itself is not so significant now, the country has a lot to be grateful to tahupōtiki rātana for
philosophy is at its core schizophrenic and the reason i say this is its essential characteristic is for each philospher to move away from public domain semantics (commonly understood meanings) to create an highly individual system and vocabulary of meaning, heidegger being an egregious example of that, and of course he was clearly schizophrenic
poetry on the other hand, through a more sophisicated and transcendent use of language remains within the public domain
there’s three good living american "poetesses" who have been around for a while, i don’t know why i missed them before
dorianne laux
kim addonizio
rachel mcKibbens
there’s quite a bit of "life trauma" between them
is the distillation
plus and minus
where does loss come from ?
where does gain come from ?
one from sanity
the other
i am planning on living four billion years
astrophysics tells me that this is problematic
and my stem cells are exhausted by
i know
i’m going to spend a million years getting older
its happening
why are people who do meditation so narrow minded and closed ?
i can tell you what is missing, they don’t read widely, so have nothing to work on and just entrain the default circuit of the brain, zen doesn’t encourage wide reading because once you do that, you will say to yourself, its
90% bullshit, just like any religion
the patheticness of the religious wannabes
they don’t produce anything
not music
not poetry
not sculpture
they only produce
lurekrsim replies
how do you view
music of bullshit
poetry of bullshit
sculpture of bullshit
wanting to not be a wannabe
my reply
wanting not to be
a wannabe
just fakeness by another name
a little
“ i think that why zen is often called a non religion is because it doesn’t say that you should just blindly believe things, it just encourages you to practice and see the results by yourself ”
isn’t practice a belief ? i’ve seen the results, it makes outright crazies of the only slightly insane
“ anyway, what i was trying to tell you is that if you would interact with someone and that interaction was going to harm you, then walk away from that person, conversation or interaction
walk away in the awareness of what you’re doing, experiencing, live, taste the pain, have the direct experience of it ”
that’s "cult rationality", superficially reasonable, toxic in reality
olga scheps
playing a slow piece, if you know what it is, please let me know
all this stuff sounds like a religion, i don’t know how anyone can claim zen and buddhism are not religions
what do titles, ceremony and chanting/music/singing have to do with anything except filling your mind so you don’t think ?
mertens conjecture
maths even i can understand
there’s heaps of
virtuoso players around, but those with a composer’s brains are few
there’s heaps of virtuoso players around, but a composer’s brains are very rare
no-one wants to do the real "spritual" work, they all just want to pretend and put all their effort into shoring up the appearance and none into the actual work
charles-henri sanson, from breaking on the wheel
to the guillotine
the subtle rhythms
fire and ice
through us
“ why the heck did bodhidharma go to china anyways ? ”
i think its a metaphor for what actually happened, he was a persian (where green or blue eyes are not unknown) travelling along the silk road from a
greco-bactrian kingdom and brought greek philosophy with him and this mixed with buddhism and daoism gave rise to zen
a lot of zen is garbled philosophy with its adherents pretending its meaningful
my one real life experience of the mafia is i was in rochester in summer and walked close to an outdoor table at what i later learned was a mafia cafe
i must have spooked the guy at the table and he straight away went into a sort of body movement that to me meant he clearly had beaten up and possibly killed people and was highly skilled at the physical aspect of it, dangerous as fuck, he then clicked i was harmless and backed off, and he had probably been confused by my body language with me being from another country, whereas rochester natives would have known to give the people in that cafe a wide physical berth
this is my problem in life, i always seem to go through the extremes, if you get involved in an activity you have to ask what the extremes are, so now i do
by god, he was fast and smooth in his movements, i guess he took me for an assassin
has zen taught you nothing more than to be fake, i notice religions certainly give some degree of a sophistical "toolkit", not that it is ever applied convincingly
the only way you know god, or buddha, or the absolute is through fugue states of infinity
there, i’ve said it, i won’t say you don’t need to understand more, but you could stop at this point
the morons chase erroneous words and concepts forever thinking this goes somewhere, but all they do is lead you away
at an abstract level the theory is all the same, but it can only be represented in the particular
an old buddhist poem goes
refraining from committing various evils
carrying out all sorts of good actions
personally clarifying this mind
this is the essential teaching of all the buddhas
that poem is in fact a restatement of the "free energy principle" which is becoming the accepted theory of perception, that truth in perception ties in with a constant process of error correction by discovery (doing good and not evil in terms of the poem), its not simply a question of taking up some theory about reality which of course is what happens in religious circles and as a consequence, they, by eliminating "discovery" (actually they always have a fake substitute) are always going to be wrong, and this of course includes buddhism
there is in fact a good physiological theory of consciousness called "the broadcast theory" that is never mentioned in the media and has a number of variants under different names, but they share a "core" view of consciousness as being an artifact of a broadcast information function in the brain
this "broadcast" function is selective, like we never see the retinal information before the
3D and spatial processing for example, but we see the objects in space
the current feeling among researchers is that the brain does a vast amount of unconscious processing which fits well with the theory and in fact most of the brain is unconscious processing and the notion we only use a fraction of our brain is misguided
from a hermetical point of view the recursion of consciousness meditating on consciousness makes it all a blind alley, people are free to waste their time on panpsychism and i could never ever get any sense of buddhism having some sort of view that made any sense on the subject, though perhaps never making any sense is a subtle comment
interestingly the broadcast theory grades consciousness, like a fly has consciousness, but less so than "higher animals"
so, yes a dog has buddha nature
another interesting thing about this theory is you can have two entities with similar ways of behaving and problem solving, but one can be conscious and the other not, so computers and artificial intelligence are not conscious, but if they were implemented in fast enough hardware or biological structures that used information broadcast they would be
i feel eihei dogen mixes ideas about solipsism, perception and consciousness in a confused and non useful manner, he should have lived longer to straighten them out
its a fair question, but you are so intellectually unadventurous, you will never figure it out and i’m not telling
ed. bascially i do a lot of commenting on the web and in all that time, especially in the more hostile exchanges only one or two people have asked why i do it and its a reasonable question and i avoiding saying why
actually the questioner persisted with her insane dribble so i told her, its for the writing
you can be in an insane asylum without being mad yourself
you are so intellectually unadventurous, you will never figure it out
ed. on people who try to copy my one word a line style
this non-persistent
dorianne laux doesn’t open the window for god
olga scheps
playing rachmaninov’s prélude op.
23 no.
5 g-minor
a man looks at a woman
bemused that such a thing could come to be
he, a man
she, a woman
rachel mckibbens
reads her poem “ what is yours, is yours ”
dishonesty drives people to validate themselves
a late afternoon sleep
two hours
when i wake
i feel like the universe has crashed
you can’t tell a broken brain its broken
because its broken, it thinks all other brains are broken
you can’t tell a broken brain its broken
because its broken
it thinks all other brains are broken
the broken brains on the internet
they seek me out
to make a pest of themselves
the broken brains on the internet
they seek me out
to make pests of themselves
you hit on how things are
then you bite off too much
that busyness
killed you
there is no such thing as a fresh start
you carry yourself all the way
frederic raphael is a marvellous
what i notice with the net, is the people who grind you most with their stupidity can be the most productive, you learn something the hard way and you remember, it doesn’t go so smooth things just glide over
when reason fails
run away from them
people who are too similar can resonate maladaptively
there must be to much gain in certain areas that leads to
we live in a world of mediocrity
that hates anything that exposes its own limitations
the giveaway of course
is the energy it devotes
to destroying
you’ve created a “ meta ” that’s really just a work of fiction and try to live in it, i’m not telling you anything if i say it doesn’t work
you don’t want to understand a word do you ?
the translations of pablo neruda suck
either that or the poems really do suck by themselves
how pathetic to waste your time missionizing others as a proxy for you own work and endeavour in the spiritual area, so fake you are